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Muvingi & Mugadza Legal Practitioners
52-54 Samora Machel Ave
7th Floor, Pegasus House

Muvingi & Mugadza Legal Practitioners is a distinguished Law firm registered with the Law Society of Zimbabwe whose expertise and practice has continually expanded and evolved over the years in conformity with clients requirements. The firm has a rich history spanning from 1982 and offers a full range of legal services due to diverse qualifications and specialization of the legal practitioners.

Services offered

Practice areas

  • Litigation support
  • Corporate recovery & reorganization
  • Intellectual property
  • Estate planning, trusts & wealth management

Sector specialisations

  • Property & real estate
  • Insurance
  • Energy & utilities
  • Natural resources & mining
  • Cannabis

For any services not listed above, contact AGA global headquarters for immediate support. Email jenny@alliottglobal.com