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Lisa joined the Casey Neilon team in 2023 and serves in the role of manager, where she performs tax work for individuals, corporations, partnerships, and nonprofits. A versatile accountant, she brings 15 years of experience in both private and public accounting to the firm. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Nevada Society of Certified Public Accountants (NVCPA).

Lisa was initially inspired to become an accountant because she wanted a career that would allow her to work with a diverse range of people and industries. A resourceful professional, who excels at research, problem-solving, and process improvement, she was also drawn to the challenge of the ever-changing laws, regulations, and technologies in a field where she would never get bored or complacent. Known for her dedication and resourcefulness, Lisa is always willing to take on new challenges and learn from her experiences.